Tag: rogan

Phony Joe Rogan Plays Victim Card

Rogan Fatigue Won’t Stop The Call For Real Responsibility

I think it’s fair to say that most people are tired of hearing about Joe Rogan and his podcast. I am but I’m not going to stop calling for him to be TRULY responsible just because I’m tired of the conversation.
After two “apology” videos, the second of which had Rogan proclaiming “I fucked up and will try to be better”, in response to his racist remark comparing black neighborhoods to The Planet Of The Apes, Rogan quickly pivoted to his comfort zone , conspiracy theory, claiming all the attention is a “media hit job.”

Nothing says “sincerity” quite like blaming others for your problems.

To be clear,  “the media”, as if that is one thing, followed the trend.  CNN, Rogan’s arch nemesis, only started to get on the current mountain of criticism of Rogan after millions of everyday people were fueling the backlash on social media platforms, mostly Twitter and Facebook.

I have said and will continue to say that calls for de-platforming or worse government censorship  are wrong. Relentless demands for more responsibility are important though.  There is a huge difference in censorship and public pressure. One is based on fascism and the other based on principled free market ideas.

The problem with Rogan is that every topic, every guest conversation eventually decays into baseless conspiracy theories. Here’s what I’m talking about:

The grifter known as Dr Peter McCullough claims his conversation was about science, but here we see him not just suggesting a baseless conspiracy theory, but swearing that is is FACT:

The obvious debunking here is that Donald Trump’s administration was responsible for the rollout of the vaccines and Joe Biden’s administration took over the effort. In order to give ANY credence to this nonsense, you need to make the leap that Trump & Joe Biden are co-conspirators.

Next, we see Rogan with Dr. Peter Malone claiming the US is under the spell of a Hitler like leader, with “Mass Formation Psychosis”.

The Hitler-like leader isn’t named, but since Dr. Malone is a Trump supporter, we should conclude that the charismatic , hypnotic leader he is referring to id Sleepy Joe Biden. You know, no crowds came to see him Joe? Not even the hardest core democrat supporters see Joe Joe Biden as having that kind of influence.


An apology that is followed by an excuse or claim that it was “a hit job”, is not an apology. It’s 100% pure bullshit.

Less than 24 hours after responding to the above video with an “apology” video, Joe Rogan launched another episode of his podcast where he claimed  the backlash of his racist crap was a political hit job.
More conspiratorial nonsense, which is Rogan’s default fallback. Is he claiming that “the left”, whoever that represents to him, hired India Arie to put that video on instagram? In his “apology” he said he acknowledged that he fucked up and would try to better. That promise seems to have faded before he even hit the stop button on the recording.

The people that owe Joe Rogan, like Kyle Kulinski, Krystal Ball, Jordan Peterson, et al; are busy mortgaging their souls to defend the indefensible. No matter what anyone says about context regarding the use of one word, there is NO CONTEXT in which “Planet Of The Apes” can be interpreted as anything but the heart and soul of racism.

Don’t be fooled by rhetoric calling any of this censorship. The bullies who want everything their way are trying to intimidate people from being critical of bad behavior. NOBODY has been silenced! The irresponsible claim asking them to be responsible is unreasonable. Like a child being asked to clean their room, they demand to know why they are being punished. Cleaning your room is not punishment. It’s part of growing up.


Why Joe Rogan Is Still Full Of Shit

Racism is forgivable if you admit, own it, and learn to unlearn it.

Joe Rogan has a target on his back. Enemies are searching through his entire lifetime looking for stuff to use to bring him down. Unfortunately for him, there is a lot of ammo both already discovered and waiting to be discovered that will serve to keep him putting out “apology” or “explanation” videos for the foreseeable future.

I was a racist. I wan not born a racist. Nobody ever is. In a rare credit to my parents, I didn’t learn it from them. My parents were fucked up in a lot of ways, but racism isn’t one of them. In fact, my father may have been the best example I ever had of how to not be racist. He couldn’t stop me from learning it from the kids on the street and other kids parents though. I had to unlearn racism and it’s a work in process.  Joe Rogan, in his “explanation” videos claims he never was racist. Sorry Joe, it takes one to know one. You were, and if you can’t admit it, you still are.

There’s been a lot of bluster about Rogan’s use of “the N-word”. Rogan says he’s learned that there is no context that caucasian person can ever use that word. I disagree but I don’t feel the need to purposely use it here. The bigger issue, the one that is largely ignored in the dialogue, is comparing a black neighborhood to Planet Of The Apes. there is NO CONTEXT, or explaining that away as not being racist with all the ugly spirit of racism in its most disgusting ideology.

I talk about forgiveness a lot. It’s something that  I practice and work hard at. I do believe racism  can and should be forgiven, if we own it, admit to it and learn how to unlearn it on purpose. Rogan is still in denial, and therefore has not earned any forgiveness yet. He maintains that he never had any racist intent in his heart. DENIAL!

To be clear, I have had many black, asian, hispanic, and native friends my entire life, before, during and after the time I was learning racism on the streets of Long Island and in central Florida. Having friends and people you love of other races does NOT negate racism.

Rogan and people who are standing loyal to him in this moment are missing what Rogan claimed to be “a teachable moment”. Like a politician that has consulted a high-priced PR consultant, Rogan has tried to diffuse the situation by getting out front with an “apology” that accepts ZERO responsibility, and denies the truth. That will ensure that the target he wears on his back will remain firmly in place and his enemies will continue to look for and find damning evidence.

The deal with Spotify that Rogan signed has made him too big to be canceled. he doesn’t need to rely on any platform and can platform himself with a small fraction of his wealth. The only concern for him personally is how much time and energy he will have to dedicate to being on the perpetual defensive.

I’m not Joe Rogan’s enemy. I don’t want him canceled. censored or taken down and won’t support any effort to do that. Nothing he says or does will have a direct effect on my life and he should have all the rights any of us have to free expression. I do wish that he, as a person with enormous influence and reach, would be more truthful and responsible. He is a very visible target and  has the potential to bring important issues to provoke real dialogue. It would be a tragedy to waste that power on denial, defensiveness and dishonesty.


Joe Rogan is a PATHETIC LIAR

minddog Exposes Joe Rogan as a PATHETIC LIAR!
Demonstrating Joe Rogan’s dishonesty and conspiratorial derangement using 2 clips from his recent depravity:
In the first clip, Rogan claims his “white guy” friend in Texas went to get treated for COVID and was denied based on his race. His boy wonder Jamie fact checked him, to which Rogan’s immediate response was “but there is a video?”
Rogan saw a video on the internet, didn’t verify any of it because it matches what he wants to be true, and somehow imagined the actor in the video is his “white guy” friend from Texas, or he’s being completely dishonest.
Watch the wheels spin as Joe Jitsu realizes he mentioned the video and then has to reinvent “this guy I know”. He never names the guy because the guy doesn’t exist. Well, ok he exists in a video Joe saw on Facebook.

In the second clip, Joe starts about by saying “I don’t know what the reality is”, and those are the truest word that steroid head has ever uttered. He then goes on the accuse Ray Epps, an ex marine, lifelong republican, business owner, farmer from Maricopa County, AZ of being an “agent provocateur”. Once again, no diligence was focused on determining the truth, and then telling his massive audience that “the reality is” is something tat it clearly is not.

Alright, onto Rogan. Rogan a pathetic liar. And I have evidence of that. And he’s also lazy. And he’s been caught being lazy several times and had to admit it and embarrassed himself when he’s talking about the fires that were started by Antifa. And then he had to backtrack all I got thrown off the internet, he gets a lot of shit off the internet, and turns out and it turns out that he’s exactly like the imbeciles that listen to him. Or follow him or part of his call. He’s one of these guys who sees a video on Facebook or Twitter and assumes it’s all true. It’s not staged. And it’s factual without doing any without even doing the least tiny bit of fact check on it. And anybody could put anything out there as long as it agrees with the position he’s trying to push. He’s going to accept it, and then push it out on his show. Now I have examples of that. I’d like to show it might take a little while and if you’re sick of me, ranting on Rogen, I apologize for that. But it must be done, folks. Somebody’s got to somebody got to call this imbecile out. And it’s just that simple. So let’s see if we can do this. They’re yours fairies. He’s so handsome. isn’t me? Bald headed fuck. Alright, let’s I’m gonna kind of give you some context here. Shane Dorian, I guess is His name is a surfer surfer boy. 49 year old surfer boy. And they obviously talking about COVID here. And Joe is going to make some claims about situation based off of and he’s gonna claim I should just play the clip. He’s gonna claim that this happened to a friend of his but then quickly gets exposed by his own slip up.

Joe Rogan cult spokesperson 23:26
That is really referring to a video he saw online here we go in why you should know more. How to get them. You know, they don’t in Texas, crazy. A friend of mine went and he’s white guy. And he went and they told him that they couldn’t give it to him because of his age and his body mass. Because he’s white, but if he was Hispanic or black, they would be able to give it to him.

Unknown Speaker 23:51
That’s so messed up anyway what

Unknown Speaker 23:53
he goes, because our country’s white supremacist, he will play once.

Joe Rogan cult spokesperson 23:59
If I looked exactly like my body now, but I had more melon that’s crazy. You’ll be able to show your skin tone because you’d be in an in an at risk group. You’re not in an at risk group. So because you’re white guy, and she goes I’m so sorry. It’s I have no seriously messed up and he was laughing he’s like, wow, this is crazy.

Unknown Speaker 24:23
It makes zero sense. No. Okay.

matt nappo 24:27
So in that clip, he says it was his friend doesn’t name the friend now. We’ll get to it goes on and it will be exposed as in a moment about how it’s really reacting to a video he saw it and imagine the person in the video was his friend. But also, this makes no sense. It doesn’t make no sense that Texas, Texas mind you is discriminating against the White people. That’s like Alabama, discriminating against white people. Yeah, it makes no fucking sense. And you know what you do when things don’t make any sense? Yet check it out. But Joe didn’t check it out. You just said wow, that’s fucking crazy. Makes no sense. Makes no sense. Don’t bother checking Joe. And putting the story out there as a direct lie. It doesn’t make any sense. Doesn’t make any Yeah, it’s

Joe Rogan cult spokesperson 25:26
a it’s a strange thing that we have going on in this country. And it’s it happened very quickly and you’re almost like the if you woke up viewer Rip Van Winkle. You know, and you maybe let’s say you got hit over the head in 2019 and September, and you went into a coma and you woke up now you’d be like, what

Unknown Speaker 25:46
is Trent you wouldn’t

matt nappo 25:48
be like, Fuck, this guy get so much. Go fact check. No, check. This is Jamie. Joe’s boy having enough of his bullshit and I’ll see

Joe Rogan cult spokesperson 26:01
denies why people antibody treatment. Texas Health Department says was a video of it.

matt nappo 26:07
There’s a video of it. It’s your friend Joe. Your unnamed friend. You just oh you saw a video video says that.

Unknown Speaker 26:15
So they talked about the video and this and then they reached out to the Texas Health. Yeah, but

Joe Rogan cult spokesperson 26:21
they absolutely did to this guy. No. Like people

matt nappo 26:24
I know it was your friend. Wait a minute now it’s a guy you know, and you’re not

Joe Rogan cult spokesperson 26:28
definitely doing that. Maybe there that doesn’t

matt nappo 26:31
mean it’s a policy it means that person is an asshole maybe. Oh, all right. Before we go on, I’m gonna challenge Joe Rogan. I know he won’t see this. But his coke. I’m going to post it in the Joe Rogan fanboy groups for them to see. And the challenge is his name. You fucking friend. You got damn liar. You pathetic caught yourself in a lie. Because he, what he did was he caught himself saying, oh, there was a video and now he has to come back realizing oh, I said it was my friend. But it’s a guy. No,

Joe Rogan cult spokesperson 27:04
I don’t know. I think you mean the person at the clinic like the nurse whoever signed they couldn’t do it. But she was saying she was sorry. That just was this was the way that they had to do it. Well, I don’t know. I mean, this this might be covering up for some fucking horse.

matt nappo 27:18
Oh, this is the conspiracy. coming out and saying no. You find on Facebook. Your imaginary friend on Facebook lied to you. That’s the conspiracy theory, not the conspiracy theory you’re putting out there about Texas. Land of the weight discriminating discriminating against white people. Or it’s not but

Joe Rogan cult spokesperson 27:41
it’s hard to say it’s not hard to say

Unknown Speaker 27:43
the fact checks is not exactly what we are told that fact checking is supposed

matt nappo 27:51
fact checking when it when it doesn’t support your bullshit. fact checking is no good. Now this guy automatically. Several boy Shane Dorian kind of exposed himself when he said, Oh, but it’s a white supremacist country. If you deny white supremacists in right supremacism in America. You’re a fucking racist cocksucker Sorry, I’m in. I’m in one of those moods today. But there you go. So Joe Rogan now claiming his friend, he had a friend. I don’t doubt he has a white friend. batteries that have a lot of white friends more and more these days. move to Texas to be surrounded by white friends. But he’s invented this friend and can’t name the friend now that’s a friend you’re not protecting any friends. Anonymity there. Because this is a story you want to hold right? And your friend wants this cold. So why is he hiding in anonymity? Good morning, Colonel Mike. Good to see you here. Now goes on further more stuff about Rogan video clips. Just getting warmed up here. Because there’s another grand conspiracy that Rogen and the cute people and it’s it comes from q not from Rogan but Rogan is spreading it like it’s absolutely true. And talking about it in terms like he knows the real truth here and congratulating his guests on coming to the right conclusion. Now what it is is it’s claiming that January 6, which is why I even went here today. January 6, we have a lovely holiday coming up it’s insurrection Thursday, folks. Bring your guns bring you knives, bring your wire ties, whatever you got, because the coup is ongoing. Joe is claiming that a certain person and he named them by name was an FBI plant and instigating interaction for on behalf of the FBI. guy’s name is Ray apps. Ray Epps never worked for the FBI. As far as I can tell, it would be really hard for reps to I’ve ever worked for the FBI. Talk to two different people who have worked for the FBI put in 30 years each. And they both said no, that’s really far fetched. It’s hard to believe somebody could do what what they’re talking about and being an FBI agent or employee or be instigating an insurrection on behalf of the FBI lone by himself now because he’s the only example they have I should play the clip it’s gonna take me a second to dig up the clip here could fit on my hard drive so I’ll keep talking while I while I attempt to dig this up if I can I mean it Joe, it the clip I have is called it came from Charlie Kirk far right when cute guy called Rogan drops a major January 16. Bomb let’s watch

Joe Rogan cult spokesperson 31:37
aware of the agent provocateur aspect of January six. Same word. I don’t exactly know

matt nappo 31:46
what I don’t exactly don’t know. But there you go Hold on people and see no downs. I don’t exactly know what the reality is. But I’m going to put it out as if it’s fact. I should just that fucking clip. Just those words. I don’t exactly know what the reality is summed up Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan cult spokesperson 32:08
that there was federal agents that were involved in instigating the violence, instigating the entering into the Capitol. And then there’s this one guy in specific that they’ve got him isolated on video. They’ve shown him over and over again, he’s faced no legal consequences. They know that this guy’s name, they know exactly who he is. All these other guys are in jail. All these other guys who got into the Capitol. I mean, there’s so many of them are facing like these massive federal charges. And for years plus in jail. This one guy is like, we have to go in there. We have to take back. We have to get inside there. And people start calling them a thread in one one of these videos. And I think,

matt nappo 32:50
right that’s first of all, let me let me respond here. Ray UPS is the guy who’s talking about we’ll get to that in a moment. Ray ups. Elan? Yeah, we have to get inside. We got to get inside there. We got to get in the capital. That’s what he said wearing his Magga hat. Now, what does that make him a Fed because people bear said you’re acting like a fed? No, but this is he’s an owner of an undercover agent for the FBI. His man’s a spies and undercover agent for the FBI sent down here to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan sound familiar? This is online, they bring out all the time people, they don’t trust our feds. So somebody called him a fed. Now, why hasn’t he been prosecuted? Because he did not commit a crime. He never went in the Capitol, he wasn’t part of the interaction. Just because you’re talking big shit doesn’t mean you can be prosecuted for it. And so his lack of prosecution and the fact that they have them on tape and drilled right they played that tape that clip over and over again of him saying, We got to get inside we he looks like fucking get it done. Then whatever Dan’s last name is it’s forget fucking you know, Larry, the cable guy. He’s looks like him. And he’s just saying, We got to get inside with his Magga hat on well, he didn’t but when inside so you can’t charge him with anything. So why is the government not charging because he didn’t fucking sorry. Common Sense,

Joe Rogan cult spokesperson 34:27
can like takes off and runs away. But this is what it seems like. It was like this was something that governments have done forever. Like you take a peaceful protest. What’s the best way to break up a peaceful protest? You bring in agent provocateurs to turn it into a non peaceful a violent protest, smash windows light things on fire then you can send in the troops and you can clean up the mess and then you don’t have any protest anymore. All

matt nappo 34:54
right, can negate that ridiculous statement. They never sent it troops. They didn’t send in the troops until long after the incompetence failed on their first effort. And in fact, Trump was urging them to continue fighting as a fourth 15 In the afternoon, three hours after the insurrection started and a good hour after they were just walking around trying to figure out what do we do? Keep fighting, he was saying they weren’t sending in the to clean this shit up. I mean, if this theory made sense, then the minute they broke windows and started to enter the Capitol, you would have seen the National Guard show up, but the National Guard was withheld on purpose. Joe doesn’t take that into account, because it seems like

Joe Rogan cult spokesperson 35:46
this was the World Trade Organization in what was it in Seattle and 99 or whatever it was. That’s what they did. It’s been documented that is what happened. Wearing and Tifa outfits inserts this pre 99 and smashing Windows lighting things on fire. And they were all eventually released. Conveniently. Well, this guy do you know about this, Jamie, you know, see if you can find it. Because it’s a curious case of this one particular individual who’s like yelling in these various groups that we have to get in their way and they like he did it pre January 6, he did it during the January 6 thing. And this guy’s face no legal charges whatsoever and people are

matt nappo 36:29
faced no legal charges because he did not commit a crime again,

Unknown Speaker 36:33
what the fuck

Joe Rogan cult spokesperson 36:34
is going on here? Because when you see some kind of organized debacle like that

matt nappo 36:40
organized debacle, one guy who said you should go in there, you’re accusing him of being an FDA IPI plant now who is Ray Epps, I’m gonna pull Rogan down it’s got it had enough for his fucking stupidity. One guy Ray apps where you see remove this idiot. Now who is Ray up? Well, Ray Epps owns a venue called the knotty pine wedding venue out in Queen Creek, Arizona, Maricopa County. It’s been a registered Republican for 30 years. He again he’s the owner of Queen Creek. What knotty barn wedding venue. He basically is ex marine and been a farmer and been running this wedding business with his wife full time and living in Arizona and has no history at all. As an FBI agent or even working in any government agency ever in his life, he was a goat farmer, horses farmer pig farmer. Farm guy. Anyway, I have his number here. And I’m gonna call him up and ask him I doubt we’re gonna get him on the phone but I’ll try let’s see what the old college try to call up Ray apps and ask him let me see if I can dial it before I do this. And we’ll ask Ray Epps about his his FBI experience and see what see what Ray has to say about Joe’s accusations and the Q accurate it’s not really joking make this up he’s just parroting what he heard que se let’s see. Hopefully we’ll get to talk to Ray that would be nice right? See if he’s really because he owns his corporation is called Patriot holdings which he founded in 2009 Hard to hard to think that the Patriot that I have an opportunity thank you. What What was that account? Please record your message. When you finished recording you make more art sorry about that loudness? Hey Ray, this is Matt from mind dog show we can talk to you about your involvement with the FBI. Maybe call me back just want to know if you’re really an FBI agent like people are claiming you i i appreciate the phone call back at your convenience.

Hasan reacts to Joe Rogan getting corrected on his show

Here we see L. Ron Rogan, leader of the all conspiracies are true cult, calling real, verifiable information a conspiracy because if exposes his made up, nameless friend story as BULLSHIT. Rogan is exposes and undressed and the cult says his new suit is amazing.
The video has a lot of childish Twitch stream comments in it. If you don’t want to hear children playing schoolyard text taunting:

Start at 0:37 – 1:28
Then again 3:44 – 8:16

hasanabi #joerogan #reacts.

Rick Doblin Tells Rogan About His DMT Realization About Hitler

Richard Elliot Doblin is an American drug activist and executive who is the founder and executive director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies.

He tells Joe Rogan about a DMT experience where he had a revelation about Hitler.


Joe Rogan Learns How “Mr. Jones” Backlash Made Adam Duritz Self Conscious

Counting Crows is an American rock band from Berkeley, California. Formed in 1991, the band consists of Jim Bogios, David Bryson, Adam Duritz, Charlie Gillingham, David Immerglück, Millard Powers, and Dan Vickrey. Counting Crows gained popularity following the release of its debut album, August and Everything After.

Adam Fredric Duritz is a United States musician, songwriter, record producer, and film producer. He is known as the frontman for the rock band Counting Crows, of which he is a founding member and principal composer.


The Queen Bee Of All Conspiracy Theories

The Bee Man has figured out a nationwide conspiracy to get people fat, lazy and porn addicted. He lays out and incredible plan perpetrated by them to get us. Some of the concepts discussed are graphic and include anal creampie gangbangs, a foot in the ass and 700, 000 piss videos


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Entice Me Home


that’s, that’s kind of become, yeah, there’s a whole generation of people that because of the Kardashians, and because of reality television, that’s like, if you ask a lot of I bet if you asked a lot of high school kids what they want to be, and I don’t I don’t want to diminish the whole I’m sure there’s still like some smart kid, you know, whatever. It’s not a whole generation. But majority. There’s a lot of dumb asses. Where if you ask them, what they want to do what’s what are the what’s their goal? It would be just to be like, I don’t know, to be famous. Like, I just want to walk into the club, and have everybody turn their heads and know I’m here and it’s like, what do you want to be famous for? I don’t care. Like, I don’t know, rap or acting or, or just like, you know, just being me, you know, doing me. And that’s just like a real

Unknown Speaker 28:44
it’s just a real dumbing down of, I mean, I feel like this whole country has been intentionally dumbed down no question about it. Absolutely. He’s maybe I’m trying to, it’s hard to pinpoint exactly, but I think it’s probably somewhere in the 80s

Unknown Speaker 29:03
like even even down to like the

Unknown Speaker 29:07
you know, like the the like like the Bill Murray movies and stuff like the like where the hero was a total schlub loser who like Didn’t you know, didn’t want to exercise didn’t want to work that and it’s like getting a bunch of kids to idolize these like slackers maybe? Yeah, part of like a larger conspiracy of like, just have everybody just want to fuckin you know, party. Do beerbongs be like a Hawaiian shirt, dopey guy.

Unknown Speaker 29:37
party animal. Nair do well. And then another big thing I’ve been I’ve been talking about this with people lately because it’s just dawned on me. But like how is because this is also affected. We’re at a point now, where there’s a whole generation for the past 20 years where pornography has been

Unknown Speaker 30:00
plentiful and free. And an easy is easy to access as making a telephone call. And I find that to be very, very curious because the government can regulate anything they fuckin one. They can write a and it’s like, oh, the internet’s a new Oh, two new thing they didn’t know what to do. It’s like bullshit. Because that could have been the top story on every channel is like, okay, we have this new thing, the internet. There’s a lot of pornography. How do we figure this out? And it would have been very easy to put laws in place where you can just like, just have if you want to watch pornography, you have to put in a credit card number, and we’ll charge you one penny. We just need to. We just need proof. The only way you can’t just click and say yes, I’m a teen, there has to be a way for us to prove that you’re not eight years old about to watch an anal cream pie gang.

Unknown Speaker 31:04
Also, another thing with this plenty full free, readily available pornography. Things have been none of this shit existed 20 years ago, there was never such a thing as an angel cream pie, gaping to khaki gang bang, caulk gagging whoever, like there’s things that have been invented and like and like abusive, kind of like, you know, spinning in your faces slapping each at like, it’s like, This is all because everybody, you know, back back when we would have like a porno tape that was stashed away. And you get a chance or the inkling you get like a little warning or like, you know what I’m going to watch. I’m going to cue up my favorite part of that porno. Rub one out and my day, right now. It’s, uh,

Unknown Speaker 31:58
you know, it’s just regular meat and potatoes like you see, like, Oh, she’s an attractive lady. He’s an attractive man. Oh, look, they’re made. They’re having sex. I see everything graphically. You weren’t like, okay, I’ve seen enough of that. Can he try to stick his foot up her?

Unknown Speaker 32:16
acid right, like, for

Unknown Speaker 32:20
like, I mean, you just go on any like porno site, and they have all the categories. There’s there’s no world and hey, I’m not if you’re into pis, that’s fine. Like if you’re into getting peed on, whatever that’s that’s been around for a while, you know, like kinks had been around. But there should not be 750,000 pistes videos available on corn hub or whatever, whatever site and I feel like that has damaged because like what’s an easier society to take over? Like you feed them processed food for 30 years? give them free pornography. You got a bunch of fat people jacking off?

Unknown Speaker 33:03
What’s an easier country to just to conquer?