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Coffee with the Dog is a daily morning show that airs live 9:00am EST - 11:30am EST on Youtube, Rumble, Twitch, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and iHeartRadio.

The minddogTV Digital Broadcast is a one-on-one interview with authors, scientists, actors, educators and thought leaders on a variety of subjects.. Airs Wednesdays 8:00pm EST

Join Dr. Rev. Jelly Rolle Sundays 9:00am EST to have your sins forgiven, your prayers answered, your mind expanded and your wallet emptied.
We're For Entertainers
Enjoy The Suffering
The process and the journey are their own reward. We create art for ourselves first and for others second, and define "making it" by enduring every step along the way from idea, through writing and performance, to the business side of booking, marketing, promotion and all the rest that goes with the life.