GOP: Good Ole’ Pedophiles

Reality TV Meets the United States Government in the worst possible way as the human fecal matter, President elect Pedophile J. Trump, has slated fellow pedo Matt, Butthead Gaeyz for Attorney General. The move comes just in the nick of time for coke-head predator Gaetz was about to have the investigation results into his ethics violations released the public.

Escaping Justice

Gaetz has already resigned his house seat in order to keep the report details from being released to the public, citing house precedent of not releasing non-house members information.
Gaetz, who has absolutely NO COURT ROOM EXPERIENCE as a prosecutor, has plenty as a DEFENDANT! He has been accused of a number of controversies; including showing photos of naked women on the House floor and an investigation into potential sex trafficking.

The Republican Voters

For Trump voters, and the Republican party, this kind of injustice, pedophilia, and open disregard for the law and decency, is EXACTLY what they voted for. Gaetz' former house colleague, Jim Jordan, who is no novice when it comes to covering up sex crimes, has no shame in hiding more abuse and rape for the team. In 2017, Gaetz was the lone “no” vote on an anti-human trafficking bill that easily passed both the House and Senate.

Credible Evidence Trump Raped a 13-Year-Old: To Push Trump & America Into an Empathetic Intervention - Softcover

Check Out The Daily Beat Expose' On Gaetz

Listen To The Jeffrey Epstein Tapes: ‘I Was Donald Trump’s Closest Friend’

Trump, in typical mob boss mode has leveraged Gaetz' fragile freedom for the complete loyalty and fealty. Gaetz, who was already so far up Trump's ass he could taste the Egg McMuffin he had for breakfast, will be the law breaking gestapo leader Trump craves, if the nomination gets approved.
With MANY Senators recognizing just how sleazy is, the plan is to push through recess appointments, skirting all protocol and precedent in a blatant disregard for the Constitution.

The open question is whether the Senate has the votes for recess confirmation.

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