Tag: age of consent

Surviving Clergy Abuse – Sandy Phillips Kirkham – From Victim To Advocate

Sandy returns to talk more about how her book is helping victims of abuse, not only to move past it , but to become advocates.
A church is where an insecure sixteen-year-old girl should feel welcome, happy, and most importantly, safe. Tragically for some, the church can become a place of great harm.

Sandy Phillips Kirkham details her account of how a charismatic youth minister preyed upon her, a betrayal which left her broken, with a shattered faith, and the ultimate shame of being blamed and forced from the church she loved. From their very first meeting, the new youth minister slowly and methodically turned the sacred relationship of a trusted spiritual leader to one of abuse: sexual, emotional, and physical. When his actions were discovered, he was simply moved to another church, leaving Sandy to pay for his deeds. She was not his first victim, nor would she be his last.

Despite a successful and happy life as a wife, mother, and friend, Sandy successfully concealed her abuse for twenty-seven years until a trigger forced her to face the truth. Sandy’s story will take you on her journey of healing which began in 2004, first by seeking justice and closure from both the pastor and the church. Her strength and courage will inspire you. Let Me Prey Upon You details Sandy’s journey from innocent sixteen-year-old victim to survivor and advocate.

Let Me Prey Upon You


Marlisse Hardamon – Transformation Speaks

” Yes, I was abused and suffered from the result of that abuse. Yes, I cried and I even tried to end my life, several times. I hated myself and everyone, else. I was bitter and angry. I lived in a place of darkness, it covered my soul. I drank and smoked, just to numb the pain. I lived in the world of victimization, unable to heal and forgive.

But, today I dance in the light of my life, not as a victim, but a victor. I have learned to not only forgive my perpetrators but to forgive myself. I have learned to move past my pain, not by pretending it never happened, but by drawing strength from it, because it happened. I have been able to transform my life, using my pain as a platform to show women, how to live a transformed life, to move beyond their current situation into a place of wholeness, peace, and joy. I am not a victim, I did not let my life destroy me, they made me strong and taught me how to truly live life. ”

Transformation Speaks