Tag: victory

Marlisse Hardamon – Transformation Speaks

” Yes, I was abused and suffered from the result of that abuse. Yes, I cried and I even tried to end my life, several times. I hated myself and everyone, else. I was bitter and angry. I lived in a place of darkness, it covered my soul. I drank and smoked, just to numb the pain. I lived in the world of victimization, unable to heal and forgive.

But, today I dance in the light of my life, not as a victim, but a victor. I have learned to not only forgive my perpetrators but to forgive myself. I have learned to move past my pain, not by pretending it never happened, but by drawing strength from it, because it happened. I have been able to transform my life, using my pain as a platform to show women, how to live a transformed life, to move beyond their current situation into a place of wholeness, peace, and joy. I am not a victim, I did not let my life destroy me, they made me strong and taught me how to truly live life. ”

Transformation Speaks