Tag: podcast intro

How To Create A Podcast Intro On Anchor

In this video, you will learn How To Create A Podcast Intro On Anchor.

If you’re starting a podcast, then you must have a podcast intro for each episode. Recording a podcast intro gives your listeners info on what the show is all about and what to expect from the episode.

Using the Anchor app is an easy and effective way to start a podcast and to create a professional podcast intro.


Schedule a FREE Podcast Strategy Call: http://PodcastLaunchLab.com/Call


Podcast Hosting Platform – aCast https://open.acast.com/invite/r/podcastlaunchlab

Create Podcast Marketing Content w/ Headline.app – https://make.headliner.app/referral/srusk_TUvPvE

Podcast Equipment – http://podcastlaunchlab.com/podcast-equipment/

HIRE A FREELANCER for Graphic Design and Podcast Editing: https://track.fiverr.com/visit/?bta=87592&nci=7416

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Best Podcast Intro Examples

In this video you will see examples of what a podcast intro is and what a podcast intro should sound like. Not all podcasts have intros (introductions) but the good ones too. There are a couple reasons that you would want to add a podcast intro to your show and they are as follows.

1) Your show will be more professional
2) A professional podcast intro informs your audience of what the show is all about and what to expect
3) It hypes people up in anticipation of the show starting.

These podcast intro examples in this video give you an idea of what a podcast intro should and does sound like. A good podcast intro can set the tone for your podcast episode and it will get your audience excited about listening to your show. Guys like Pat Flynn do a great job with their podcast intro. If you haven’t check Pat out yet, be sure that you do because his work is fantastic.

You can make a podcast intro by simply putting some background music on top of a voice recording that talks about what the show will be about and what to expect or you can use an audio freelancer to professionally create and record a podcast intro for you.

In this video you will see instances of what a webcast introduction is and what a digital broadcast introduction should sound like. Not all web recordings have introductions (presentations) yet the great ones as well. There are two or three reasons that you would need to add a web recording introduction to your show and they are as per the following.

These podcast intro models in this video give you a thought of what a webcast introduction ought to and sounds like. A decent digital broadcast introduction can establish the pace for your podcast scene and it will get your group of spectators amped up for tuning in to your show. You can make a digital recording introduction by basically putting some mood melodies over a voice recording that discussions about what the show will be about and what’s in store or you can utilize a sound consultant to expertly make and record a web recording introduction for you.

We really hope this video opens your eyes to what is possible with creating and adding a podcast intro to your show.

Podcast Hosting Platform – Pippa https://app.pippa.io/invite/r/

Podcast Equipment – http://podcastlaunchlab.com/podcast-equipment/



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